Thursday, July 3, 2008

Severe head acne and strongest acne medication

If your acne prevention does not work and you have an severe outbreak, you may need to seek further more aggressive treatments.
So the big question is if your diet and what you consume can have an impact on your acne. The answer to this question is definitely! Even though many modern doctors will refute this saying that acne is caused by sebaceous glands and stuff like that it does cause acne! What causes those things that the doctors say causes the acne? That's like saying that tires cause skid marks. They do but what causes the tires to cause the skid marks?
One way to prevent the build of dead cells on your skin that mixes with the sebum to block your pores is to wash with an exfoliating scrub. Obviously you need a milder scrub for your face than for the rest of your body, but it is effective in removing dead cells
tags: does clean and clear acne kit really work, acne scar face, more and more acne is appearing on my butt

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