Monday, June 2, 2008

How to fade acne marks and pimples and acne treatment

Mainly during puberty, glands in the face have an unusual chemical reaction which causes lots of sebum which simply catches dirt and oil and dead skin cells causing acne. Because the oils can't get out of the skin then they all gather up together and create a white head (the spots that stick out of the skin). With this in mind a blackhead has the same sort of theory however its the gathering of dead skin cells.
But they're not going to tell you that! You end up, finding out the hard way. But it doesn't have to be that way anymore. Now, acne is more of an individual thing. Each case is a little different than the other, and should be treated as such. Again, 'one size should not fit all.' It all depends what stage you're at with your skin problems.
Acne is a horrible affliction for millions of teenagers and many adults as well. Not only is it physically painful and unsightly, it can be even more damaging to what's on the inside. Acne can leave scars on the inside that will stay with a person for a very long time, if not forever. Luckily there are some ways to cure acne. Here are three tips.
tags: how to get rid of acne for men pills, can zoloft cause acne, natural remedies of getting acne scars away

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