Monday, August 4, 2008

Free tips for home made acne care and acne care product skin top

Dead skin and sebum block the pores of the skin, and then bacteria take the chance, occupy the skin and start their work. Too much exercise, hormonal problems can cause acne. Now, there are various kinds of remedy to prevent acne formation.
Lemon juice and rose water, is probably the most effective solution that I have used. These two simple ingredients mixed together create a very effective solution that has helped cure a lot of acne sufferers pimples all around the world. You mix the two together, apply to your infected areas, leave on for 30 minutes (the longer, the better) then simply wash off with warm water.
Back acne is one of the more common acne breakouts people must contend with and this is why a natural acne treatment products also target back acne. There are a number of reasons why people become susceptible to back acne and probably the most common is that pores become clogged due to sweat. This can be the result of the type of clothing one may be wearing or due to taking part in strenuous physical activity. (It is no wonder why athletes often suffer from back acne breakouts) Probably the most problematic aspect of back acne is the fact that the breakouts often involve large, swollen lesions that become so tender that they are painful. This is why one of the common treatments for fact acne involves cortisone shots (yes, with a needle) directly into the pimple! Clearly, the use of natural acne treatment would be far more preferable than this somewhat painful process.
tags: how to get rid of acne in a week, reviews on clean and clear acne spot treatment, tanning causing acne on chest

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